AKRO RISE is the perfect fruity uplifting fragrance, its notes are full of fresh, fruity notes. When you first smell it, the aroma of lemon and grapefruit hits your face, giving you a refreshing and energetic feeling. Later, the sweet notes of strawberry and pear gradually emerge, adding a touch of softness and sweetness. Finally, base notes of musk and amber make the whole fragrance last longer, leaving a warm and captivating finish.
This combination of notes makes AKRO RISE a very suitable fragrance for daily use. It can give you a fresh and pleasant feeling, making you full of energy throughout the day. Whether in work, leisure or social occasions, it can become your unique and charming choice.
Of course, the perception of fragrance notes is very subjective, and everyone may have different reactions and preferences to different fragrances. If you have the opportunity to try AKRO RISE in person, I believe you will further appreciate its unique charm based on your own olfactory experience.